Wednesday–Sunday, September 22–26, 2021
(Please note: The 2020 workshop has been canceled due to COVID-19)
Learn the craft of timberframing with eighteenth- and nineteenth-century tools and techniques in a beautiful outdoor setting. We begin with an examination of the timber-framed buildings at Hancock Shaker Village and an introduction to the craft. Participants will then cut a small timber-framed building and culminate the workshop with its raising. There will also be evening slide presentations that cover both old and new timberframing in Europe, Japan, and the United States.
Subjects covered during the workshop include hand hewing timbers from the log; setup, tools, and techniques; timber selection; Square Rule and Scribe Rule layout systems (we will be using the Square Rule system); care and use of traditional hand tools, including sharpening; layout and cutting of timber joinery on both sawn and hewn timbers; riving and shaping trunnels (pegs) using a shaving horse; and assembly and raising of the frame.
FEE $720/648 MEMBER
For more details and a registration form, click here.